2014 IP Institute
This conference, presented jointly by the Engelberg Center and Cravath, Swaine & Moore, assembled thought leaders in the field of IP for a day of discussion focused on cutting-edge issues affecting innovation, intellectual property law and practice, and competition in the domestic and international arenas. The keynote speaker was The Rt. Hon. Professor Sir Robin Jacob, University College London, who presented a European perspective on the US IP system. The various panels examined the issues from the perspectives of industry, the judiciary, academia, and federal and state agencies. Together with the Honorable Faith S. Hochberg (USDNJ) and Micky Minhas, Microsoft Corporation, Professor Dreyfuss participated in a panel discussion on “What Litigators Need to Know About US PTO Post-Grant Processes.” Professor Dreyfuss and David J. Kappos were co-organizers of the IP Institute.