Engelberg Center Annual Report 2020
The Engelberg Center Annual Report captures the people, activities, courses, events, and research that made up the year. Together, they trace the Center’s evolution and history.

The Engelberg Center on Innovation Law & Policy provides a unique environment where scholars can examine the key drivers of innovation as well as the law and policy that best support innovation. By fostering interdisciplinary and collaborative research on innovation law and policy, the Engelberg Center attracts legal scholars and practitioners, technologists, economists, social scientists, physical scientists, historians, innovators, and industry experts who study, theoretically and empirically, the incentives that motivate innovators, how those incentives vary among different types of creative endeavor, and the laws and policies that help or hinder them. The Engelberg Center endeavors to facilitate programming, publications, and other interactions that refine our understanding of the policy implications of this research and communicate those implications to stakeholders and decision-makers, both nationally and internationally.
In addition to the world-class faculty and scholars it attracts, the Engelberg Center draws on the diversity of New York City, which is a center for creativity in advertising, art, cuisine, entertainment, fashion, financial services, graphic design, law, life sciences, literature, marketing, music, and technology, among other fields. We seek to enhance the ecosystem that supports close connections between IP scholars and the innovator community in and around the city.
The Engelberg Center Annual Report captures the people, activities, courses, events, and research that made up the year. Together, they trace the Center's evolution and history.